Let’s wind the clock back 24 hours (yesterday)… the frost had lifted and it had been positively balmy in comparison to the weekend. I decided on the spur of the moment that it would be good for a “dabble” and so I set off, new rod in hand. Arriving at the lake I quizzed one chap who said that he’d had three runs but the pike had dropped the bait... unlucky, but I knew they were active. I set up and cast into the corner spot – my usual starting point! It is more of a get you into the swing of things mark although I have had a few follows from there in the past… so not a complete right off.
I didn’t decide to BUT because of circumstance I ended staying at the next mark. I heard hoots of laughter as a chap out to catch silver fish hooked a pike on his maggot laden hook… this could have been the biggest catch of the day. All of six inches long!
I had fan cast around and was debating whether to put a sinking poly leader on when the water boiled and a pike of 7 or 8 lbs slashed at the fly… missing it! Ah well, I almost christened the new rod!
Today I decided that as the day was good I’d go to the lake… the temperature and barometer had fallen and the wind was a strengthening easterly… it was darned cold! An ill wind perhaps.
Not much had been caught; one chap said that he’d caught a few small perch and roach but nothing of significance… I managed to lose two flies and the associated spiral locks which annoyed me, but that’s fishing.
The temperature dropped steadily and the rod rings started to ice up… as nothing had shown itself I decided to give it best and retire to the warmth of home.
I won’t be writing now until next year… so wherever you are, have a great New Year and tight lines in 2009.

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