Some might have seen April and soon to be in the May issue of Fly Fishing and Fly Tying the Bug-Bond half page display advert... the story behind the photo is that Theo Bakelaar used his Bug-Bond kit for the first time at the IFTS in Somerset last November and then with a fly he created at the show, caught this magnificent fish! The photo was taken by fellow fly tyer Harry Schoel both friends come from the Netherlands... fast becoming Bug-Bond's second home!
I have cropped the photo to give a mouth shot with the fly and what I would like is for folk to think of a caption and post their thoughts on the Bug-Bond face book page... and I'll announce the winner on 21st April...
What's the prize? Well my friends Daniel Goz and Jan Bach Kristensen have kindly given a copy of their fab movie Tapam. If you haven't seen the film or just the trailer you are missing one of fly fishing's top DVDs... I got infected by the tarpon bug last year... BUT irrespective of whether you like destination fishing or not this is the film!
So dream up a caption and enter the competition and win a copy of Tapam... click here to be taken to the Bug-Bond competition page... and do tell your friends and don't keep it to yourselves... get them to vote for your caption!
Oh and my final verdict is final and a pristine unwrapped version of the DVD will be sent to the winner... Good luck!
Click the top photo to enter the competition and the bottom photo to buy the DVD or the Blue Ray that is coming soon...
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