Barry Ord Clarke (United Kingdom/Norway)
Andy Elliott (Ireland)
Simon Graham (South Africa/Finland)
Ulf Hagstrom (Sweden)
Dougie Loughridge (Scotland)
Davie McPhail (Scotland)
Chris Newsome (USA)
Johan Put (Netherlands)
Chris Reed (United Kingdom)
Chris Reeves (United Kingdom)
Barry Reynolds (USA)
Chris Sandford (United Kingdom)
Steve Silverio (USA)
Riny Sluiter (Netherlands)
Bug-Bond was officially launched in January 2010. During the first 9 months of this year the number of Bug-Bond users has grown across the world... there are now users in 20 countries across 5 continents.
In order to maintain and enlarge the profile of Bug-Bond across the globe it gives me great pleasure to announce that an International Bug-Bond Pro-Tying Team has been formed.
Each member of the team brings with them an enviable level of expertise whether their speciality is trout, salmon, pike, saltwater or realistic fly tying.
The team has an international flavour and will be promoting Bug-Bond at fly fairs/shows across the globe, through magazine articles and of course the Internet. Many of the tyers run their own angling related businesses and I have pleasure in being able to return the compliment and support their ventures by highlighting their businesses here.
Over the course of the next week or so I will introduce the team members to you via the blog and their details will be available on the Bug-Bond website.
Quite the rogues gallery!
'Enough for a football team plus subs...
InterPol would surely appreciate some mug shotz...
You [Mr. CEO] might as well be HERDING CATS...
They will ALL be off chasing their own phuzzie notions!
[Good for US!]...
I'd hate to have to feed them and/or keep them in pints!
Peeete on the PharSide of the Canal
Pete... so where did you want the Gulf Stream IV to pick you up from ;) Phree Phuzzie notions is what tying is all about... or should that be fly welding in your case :)
Mug Shotz will follow Pete...
Best regards as ever
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