Tuesday, 23 October 2012

BUG-BOND in New Zealand

Two posts in one day... believe me I have a lot of catching up to do!

The next couple of photos are from another early user of BUG-BOND, Alan Bulmer who lives in New Zealand. Alan has kindly allowed me to share his photos and part of his email with you... enough from me. Enjoy, I think they are terrific! Thanks for sharing Alan...

"The reverse smelt is my twist on an iconic pattern used for trout in the central North Island of New Zealand. Designed for salt water, rather than fresh, it has already assumed “go to” pattern status. Instead of using mylar tinsel body with a silver wire rib, I substituted a strip cut from a holographic nylon mesh basket ribbon, ribbed this with silver wire and coated with UV Bug-Bond. The effect is visually stunning. The holographic iridescent purple sheen shows through the resin and the fly almost seems to wriggle to life once it enters the water. It is a pattern that kahawai find irresistible, especially when smelt are running.

I’ve also created a “kissing cousin” to the reverse smelt, namely the holographic Clouser. Once again the holographic basket ribbon body is the key visual attractant but the bead chain eyes seem to stare out from the fly as if it is watching your every move. Another pattern that rarely fails to disappoint. Simple but very effective. The Bug-Bond is key to getting the internal reflection that makes the fly look real and adds an unmatched robustness to the pattern." Alan Bulmer 2012

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