Having watched the DVD I felt I had to have a go at tying some diving heads (found a Dahlberg diver tutorial on Simon Graham's Pike Fly Fishing Articles blog (see my links!!))... No the top one is an orange bucktail!! In order of tying today; from top down... 4th, 2nd, 1st and 3rd.... The red and white/grizzle are a play on Umpqua pike flies and the bottom one is a play on a Water dog...
Now all I need are some pike to try them out!!!
Very very nice Dave! If I tied flies like that I would be reluctant to use them they look so good.Proper fly porn!
Really nice looking flies! I am tempted to tie a deer hair head with ep or fish hair for body, to resemble a rainbow or brown trout. The deer hair sure makes a great looking fly.
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